

Eminent Domain

K. R. McBay Appraisal Co. specializes in the valuation of commercial and agricultural properties. Eminent domain appraisal is a primary emphasis of the company. Market value appraisals for lending purposes, asset management, and litigation represent a major component of the company's work. The firm is able meet the needs of government agencies requiring the appraisal of eminent domain properties as well as the needs of lenders, attorneys, and private parties with individual property valuation requirements.
  • Kenneth McBay is the principal and holds the MAI, ARA, and SR/WA, and AI-GRS designations from the Appraisal Institute, the American Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers, and The International Right of Way Association.
  • Associate appraisers are experienced, licensed and well-qualified.
  • Please visit Our Team and About Us Pages to view our resumés and credentials.
  • K. R. McBay Appraisal Co. has been providing appraisal services throughout the greater Central Valley for over 30 years.